Friday, February 16, 2018

Painscreek 2/16/2018 Patch notes

Here’s a list of things that were patched/implemented:

1. Implemented a Reload button in the pause menu for players who fell through the world or got stuck behind furniture. It has a wait time of 2 minutes, after which the player will respawn to the entrance of the location. Any items picked up prior to this and photos taken will still be in your possession.

2. Implemented FOV slider in the video options.

3. Dirt lense removed.

The following were part of the demo, but implemented in the paid version as well:

4. New props were added to some locations and a few items were shifted around to accommodate a better experience for new players.

5. Additional audio content were added to a few key locations that gives reason for players to visit certain locations.

6. About 25% of the game content received proof-reading and grammar check.

7. Players can continue their save game from the demo version to the paid version so they do not have to replay the beginning part again.

We understand that some players are still affected by the low frame rate, long loading time and game crashes. We have recently found out the problem and are in the process of fixing it. Unfortunately, it’s an issue that needs quite some time to fix. We will post updates on its progress from time to time.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Painscreek Killings Demo Now Available On Steam!

The Painscreek Killings demo is now available to download! It contains the complete Act 1 and the playtime runs between 1 to 3 hours, depending on the player’s play style. The full game will run between 10 to 20 hours for most players. Click here to access the Steam page.